Classification: Iron IIAB
Time/Place: 2017 in Algeria
Mass: 937g
Consists of a single, fist-sized mass, with a dark grey and brown exterior. A few small unidentified inclusions are evident in a cut through the interior.
(C. Herd, UAb) Optical investigation of a ~3 x 3 cm polished and etched surface reveals well-developed Neumann lines. No Widmanstatten pattern is present, no inclusions were noted, and no alteration is evident.
ICP-MS data, using sample of North Chile (Filomena) as standard (C. Herd and S. DuFrane, UAb): Ni = 5.3, Co = 0.421 (both wt%); Ir = 32, Ga = 59, Ge = 181, As = 4.5, Ru = 25, Pd = 2.7, Re = 3.2, W = 3.5, Pt = 35, Cu = 132, Au = 0.48 (all µg/g).
(C. Herd, UAb): IIAB iron. Co is low due to analytical uncertainty. Specimen examined is small relative to the apparently coarse texture of the meteorite. Consistent with IIAB iron based on element-Au plots, by comparison with Wasson et al. (2007).
NOTE: Neumann lines in this specimen are spectacular.