Classification: Ungrouped Primitive Enstatite Achondrite S1/W1
Time/Place: 09.1998 in Zamość, Poland
Mass: 8,68kg
An 8.68 kg stone partially covered with fusion crust was found b eside a dirt road by Mr. Stanislaw Jachymek while he was searching for rocks and fossils.
Classification and mineralogy (F. Wlotzka, MPI; M. Stepniewski, PGI; R. Bartoschewitz, Bart): granoblastic texture, containing ~60 vol% orthoenstatite, ~ 20 vol% metal, ~ 10 vol% troilite, and ~ 10 vol% feldspar, with accessory schreibersite, silica, oldhamite, alabandite, and amphibole; may be similar to QUE 97289; pyroxene grains 0.1–1 mm, subhedral to rounded, Fs<0.1–1.6Wo0.7; feldspar bimodal in composition, Ab59–64An36–41Or0–0.5 and Ab86–89An0–5Or9–12; metal contains 6–16 wt% Ni, 1.6 wt% Si; troilite contains 4.7 wt% Cr, 1.4 wt% Mn, 0.9 wt% Ti.