» » » NWA 11574 (13.38 gram)

NWA 11574 (13.38 gram)


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[ Meteoritical Bulletin Database ]


Classification: Chondrite L3.10 S2/W2
Place/Time: 2017 in Morocco
Mass: 750g

History: Purchased by Marcin Cimała in Morocco, 2017.
Physical characteristics: Single stone with weathered exterior, saw cuts shows many densely packed chondrules set in a dark brown matrix.
Petrography: (C. Agee, UNM) Microprobe examination of a polished mount shows numerous porphyritic chondrules, most with mesostasis or glass. Adundant opaque matrix. Apparent mean chondrule diameter 700±390 μm, n=31, consistent with L.
Geochemistry: (C. Agee, UNM) All olivine Fa16.4±12.5, Fe/Mn=50±25, n=40; Ferroan chondrule olivine Fa19.7±11.3, Fe/Mn=55±23, Cr2O3=0.21±0.21 (wt%), n=33; low-Ca pyroxene Fs13.0±10.6Wo1.8±1.9, n=13.
Classification: Ordinary chondrite (L3.10), type 3.10 based on mean value of Cr2O3 in ferroan chondrule olivine and the 1-sigma standard deviation, near the boundary between 3.10 and 3.15 in figure 13 (Grossman and Brearley, 2005), however closest to values of Adrar 003 (L/LL3.10) with Cr2O3=0.23±0.21 (n=47).